I say that I have been too busy to blog recently which may be true but is also I admit is a excuse. But when this dropped on my doormat this morning I had to get it on here. Plus I can tag it to a bit of a theme that this weekend is also the belgium grand prix.
This version is a seriously good example of good execution. Sometimes you see those rare test presses in just dust sleeves and think why spend a load of your hard earned green on a record which only if you know what it is will you be able to appreciate it. Instead this record tickles my collectors funny bone as it were, it looks beautiful. Its got a sweet as glossy acetate cover with cardboard behind it imitating the colours of the belgium flag. The net effect is amazing to look at, and of course the record ain't too bad either.
Also to brag a bit I got it for virtually nothing, guess there was no one to bid against me on ebay so it went for less than a third of what I was willing to pay.